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Working the Steps and No Time for Fun & Fellowship?

Medically Reviewed
Last Medically Reviewed on: May 1, 2022
Alumni near the logo stele

Updated on

28 Apr, 2022

    By Rosana Sielaff and James Boner, Alumni Program Team

    We know how fundamental it is to follow the steps in your recovery journey. You are committed to working on your program! Most of the time, it means that you will be restructuring all your life – making amends, rebuilding relationships, staying spiritually connected, making new sober friends, etc. As if that is not enough, you have to think about a job, career, financial stability, housing, transportation, etc.  It is an ongoing huge list – no doubt about it!  However, you know that sitting and crying, practicing self-pity, will not take you anywhere, even worse, it may take you right back to where you started treatment in the first place.

    It is not news that fellowship is one of the most important points of your recovery. Being around people who have walked in your shoes and being with people who love, care, and support you for who you are can bring a source of benefits to your journey – no questions about that.  So, ask yourself, where are you making and meeting your friends? Attending meetings perhaps? Where else? Are you attending alumni events and service work? Maybe you don’t have time because you are working on the program and there is no time left for that, is that right?  If so, you are missing an important part of the puzzle!

    Alumni events and service work are not to fill your time. Along with the Alumni Committee, James and I are committed to fulfilling your life with joy, improving your sense of self-worth, and boosting your well-being.  Your wellness is our focus. Sustaining your long-term sobriety is our goal. We believe in you! We believe that you can recover and most importantly, we believe that you can thrive. So, when you work on the program, carve some time to enjoy the benefits of the alumni program, both work together, in the same direction. It is not one or the other, they are the same!

    We care for you! Hope to see you at the next event!

    Alumni Spotlight

    “I am 14 months sober and happy, joyous and free! What? If someone would have told me that I would finally know what peace, serenity, and happiness truly feel like 14 months ago I never would have believed them. For as long as I can remember, I was never truly happy and was always looking for something to change the way I felt whether it was a new job, new car, new relationship, alcohol, drugs, money, church, etc. I spent a lot of years reading countless self-help books and going to therapy trying to find the answer to why I just never truly felt happy or fulfilled. On the outside, I looked like I had everything. Master’s degree, career, my own place, etc. But the reality was that at 44 years old I was more miserable than I had ever been and close to losing everything I had, including my life. I was drinking every day all day and was killing myself as a result of my alcohol consumption. Everything I did from the moment I woke up in the morning to the time I passed out revolved around alcohol. Alcohol had become my master. On February 11, 2021, with the desperation of a drowning man, I surrendered. I was DONE!! I made a phone call to a family member that resulted in my going to treatment at Infinite Recovery! Thank God!! It was my first time in treatment, and I was confused, scared, and of course very sick. The staff was incredible and compassionately showed me the path to a life that is better than I could have ever imagined. As a result of Infinite Recovery’s care and continuous working the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, I can gratefully say I am a recovered alcoholic. I am finally free from a hopeless state of mind and body and am blessed to be able to share my experience, strength, and hope with others every day. We Do Recover!!!!”

    Danielle L.Sobriety Date – 02/14/21

    What Are We Up To?

    We had a great time at the Easter Kickball with Any Length Retreat!  About 70 alumni members attended the lunch & event. Fellowship and fun at its best!

    “Helping others is the foundation stone of your recovery” – We volunteered at Safe in Austin and assisted Austin Voices with food distribution to the community.

    Learning & Growing

    What is self-care and why are we so bad at it at times?  By Hayley Bushart, LPC, Infinite Recovery Program Manager

    By definition, Self-care is “the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health.” Sounds simple, right? But sometimes we struggle with doing even the basics to improve our health. Why is that? Maybe you don’t know what self-care is. Self-care is not just about being on a mountain looking at a beautiful view and posting the picture to Instagram with #selfcare. This could be self-care, but you don’t have to climb a mountain and post a picture to take care of your health. Self-care also doesn’t mean that you must spend hundreds of dollars on massages or getting your nails done or going to fancy dinners. While all those things could be considered self-care, self-care does not have to be expensive. Maybe you don’t think that you are worth self-care or that if you take care of yourself, you are putting others last and that’s just not true. Self-care is important so that you CAN show up for others in your life and you are worth all the self-care! (Whatever that may look like for you) Self-care can be as simple as giving yourself affirmations, brushing your teeth, reading a book, going to your doctor’s appointments, going to meetings, setting and keeping boundaries for yourself, relaxing, prayer, or meditation. I read something once that said, “Anything worth doing, is worth doing badly.” What this means is, even on days when you are not feeling like practicing self-care, do one small thing and this is going to help you feel better than if you would have done nothing. One tool that I have found particularly helpful is called the Self-Care wheel, developed by the Olga Phoenix project. This wheel focuses on your physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, personal, and professional self-care. Maybe you’ll find suggestions on here that you didn’t even know were considered self-care. For more information on the self-care wheel or to find more self-care practices go to the following link.

    Extra! Extra!

    Do you know about the Infinite Recovery Family Support Program?

    We know that true, lasting recovery from the disease of addiction requires healing for the whole family, not just the client. Our mission is to inspire transformation through purpose.

    Here at Infinite Recovery, we know family is key to developing sobriety that lasts. Often, relationships are fractured. We can help. We know you want to repair your relationship, and that is why we work to return your family member back to their original role of mother, father, brother, sister, son, or daughter. Again, you are not alone, let us be there for you so that you can get your life back.

    Any family members from current and past clients are welcome. There is overwhelming data providing solid evidence that family engagement is imperative to a client’s lasting recovery. The following is available to your family:

    1. Family Orientation. Wednesday, 6 to 6:30 pm and Friday 9 to 9:30 pm.
    2. Family Support. Monday and Thursday 6 to 7 pm
    3. Family workshop: Every 3rd Friday and Saturday

    If you have any questions, reach out to John-Mark Carter, Manager of Family Services at 512-540-4323, or Donna Connell, Family Program Coordinator at 512-361-2405.

    Recovery is possible! Take the first step towards a new life today.

    If you or a loved one are struggling with drugs, alcohol or a dual diagnosis mental condition we are here to help. Our caring and compassionate admissions team is here for you, call today!
    Contact Us

    Michael Dadashi

    Medical Content Writer

    Family owned and operated since 2014, Infinite Recovery was founded by Michael & Ylianna Dadashi to give those struggling with addiction a second chance and help to rebuild their lives. Clean and sober since 2009, Michael is passionate about helping others discover their authentic self and live a life of true freedom and purpose.

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